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NetXen NX3-4GBT

Цена: 32070 р
Наличие: Под заказ
Артикул: NX3-4GBT
Quad Port 1Gb Ethernet PCIe Adapter w/RJ45 Copper

NetXen NX3-4GBT

The NX3-4GBT Intelligent NIC® is based on NetXens third-generation NX3031. It is a high-performance Layer 2 NIC that can support offload of TCP/IP protocols, significantly improving throughput of servers, server appliances, and storage platforms, while reducing host CPU utilization. This allows overall system performance to scale dramatically.

The NX3031 comes from a family of highly integrated, fully programmable I/O processors designed to offload and accelerate processing tasks from Layers 3 through 7. It is built around NetXens revolutionary Protocol Processing Engine architecture.

The NX3-4GBT is a low profile PCI Express card with four (4) Gigabit Ethernet ports. It uses the same driver as NetXens 10GbE adapters and hence simplifies use in 1G/10G mixed environments.

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