McDATA Intrepid 6140 Director

Цена: 6772670 р
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McDATA Intrepid 6140 Director

The 140-port McDATA® Intrepid™ 6140 director is an ideal SAN switching solution for very large deployments. It is designed with a protocol-independent architecture to support emerging technologies, and the ability to handle FICON and Fibre Channel traffic simultaneously.

At a Glance
Backup and restore
McDATA Intrepid directors are at the center of storage area networks (SANs) used to enable backup and restore to be shared across departments and data centers, reducing costs and simplifying management.
Disaster recovery
McDATA Intrepid directors play a critical role in complete disaster recovery systems, including SANs for clustering/fail-over, remote data vaulting and backup and restore functions.
Storage consolidation
By consolidating storage with a SAN using McDATA Intrepid.
Disk mirroring
Disk SANs employing McDATA Intrepid directors can be implemented to improve the manageability of local and remote mirroring systems, keeping online data better protected and more available.
Key Features
  • High availability
  • Smaller footprint
  • Scalability

  • Compatibility : Fibre Channel protocols:
    FC-PH Rev 4.3, FC-PH-2, FC-PH-3, FC-GS-2, FC-FLA, FC-FG, FC-SW-2
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