Low cost two-gigabit connectivity With a two-gigabit Fibre Channel port and maximum throughput of 160 megabytes per second, the SN3300 Fibre Channel router integrates tape libraries into high-performance FC SANs.
Storage centralization and consolidation By moving existing storage to a central location, you enhance security, accelerate data flow, simplify management, reduce costs and calm the chaos in your data center.
High performance for faster backups Supports LAN-free backup and restore, moving the bulk of data backup and recovery traffic from the LAN onto the SAN. SCSI devices operate at optimum efficiency.
Server-free backup and restore Offload the work of moving blocks of data from the application server to the SN3300 router located on a SAN.
Ease of use, ease of installation Easy to install with accurate device mapping and security built right in. Plus, it features unmatched interoperability with other SAN components |