Каталог - Сетевые хранилища NAS - Другие производители NAS - NAS BUFFALO - LinkStation - Buffalo NAS LinkStation™ 500 Series Сетевой накопитель с двумя отсеками для жестких дисков LS520DN0402 (4 TB)


Buffalo NAS LinkStation™ 500 Series Сетевой накопитель с двумя отсеками для жестких дисков LS520DN0402 (4 TB)

Цена: 108440 р
Наличие: Под заказ
Артикул: LS520DN0402



Part Numbers LS520DN0202 (2 TB)
LS520DN0402 (4 TB)
LS520DN0802 (8 TB)
Form Factor Desktop

Internal Hard Drives

Number of Drives 2
Hard Drive Type NAS-grade
Drive Interface SATA 2.0 (3 Gbps)
Capacity 2 TB: LS520DN0202 (2 x 1 TB)
4 TB: LS520DN0402 (2 x 2 TB)
8 TB: LS520DN0802 (2 x 4 TB)
Supported RAID 0/1/JBOD


Processor Realtek RTD1195N (Dual Core)
Memory DDR3 256MB
Speed 110+ Mbps

LAN Interface

Standards Compliance IEEE802.3ab / IEEE802.3u / IEEE802.3
Number of Ports 1
Data Transfer Rates 10/100/1000 Mbps
Connector Type RJ-45
Supported Protocols TCP/IP

USB Interface

Standards Compliance USB 3.0
Number of Ports 1
Data Transfer Rates 5 Gbps*
Connector Type USB 3.0 Type A

* 5 Gbps is the maximum transfer rate derived from the specifications of the Universal Serial Bus 3.0. Actual transfer rates will vary depending upon environmental factors.
Data rates, features and performance may vary based on the configuration of your system and other factors.


Device Dimensions (L x W x H) 3.43 x 8.07 x 5.02 in
Device Weight 5.51 lbs
Package Dimensions (L x W x H) 5.04 x 10 x 8.82 in
Package Weight 6.61 lbs

Environmental & Power

Power Consumption 36W Max
Power Supply External, AC 100-240V, 50/60Hz
Operating Environment 41-95° F
Operating Humidity 20-80% (non-condensing)


Warranty Period 3 years
Replacement HDDs OP-HD1.0BN, OP-HD2.0BN, OP-HD4.0BN
Client OS Support Windows® 10
Windows® 8.1 (32-bit/64-bit)
Windows® 7 (32-bit/64-bit)
Mac OS® X 10.7 or later*

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