Каталог - HBA и RAID-контроллеры - RAID 6Gb/s SATA+SAS - Areca RAID-контроллер ARC-1882LP 6Gb/s 8 Ports SAS/SATA (1 x SFF-8087 1 x SFF-8088) PCIe 2.0 x8, 1Gb, LP (ARC-1882LP)


Areca RAID-контроллер ARC-1882LP 6Gb/s 8 Ports SAS/SATA (1 x SFF-8087 1 x SFF-8088) PCIe 2.0 x8, 1Gb, LP (ARC-1882LP)

Цена: 113280 р
Наличие: Под заказ
Артикул: ARC-1882i

Model Name
I/O Processor
Dual Core RAID-on-Chip 800MHz
On-Board Cache
1GB on-board DDR3-1333 SDRAM
Driver Connector
2 x SFF-8087
2 x SFF-8088
1 x SFF-8087
1 x SFF-8088
Form Factor (LxH)
Low Profile: 169.5 x 64.4 mm


Adapter Architecture

Dual Core RAID-on-Chip (ROC) 800 MHz processor

PCIe 2.0 x8 lane host interface

1GB on-board DDR3-1333 SDRAM with ECC (ARC-1882LP/1882i/1882x)

One 240-pin DIMM socket for DDR3-1333 ECC single rank registered SDRAM module using x8 or x16 chip organization, upgrade from 1GB (default) to 4GB (ARC-1882ix-12/16/24)

Write-through or write-back cache support

Support up to 4/8/12/16/24 internal or 4/8 external 6Gb/s SAS ports

Multi-adapter support for large storage requirements

BIOS boot support for greater fault tolerance

BIOS PnP (plug and play) and BBS (BIOS boot specification) support

Support EFI BIOS for Mac Pro

NVRAM for RAID event & transaction log

Redundant flash image for controller availability

Battery Backup Module (BBM) ready (Option)

RoHS compliant

RAID Features

RAID level 0, 1, 10(1E), 3, 5, 6, 30, 50, 60, Single Disk or JBOD

Multiple RAID 0 and RAID 10(1E) support (RAID 00 and RAID100)

Multiple RAID selection

Online array roaming

Offline RAID set

Online RAID level/stripe size migration

Online capacity expansion and RAID level migration simultaneously

Online volume set growth

Instant availability and background initialization

Support global and dedicated hot spare

Automatic drive insertion/removal detection and rebuilding

Greater than 2TB capacity per disk drive support

Greater than 2TB per volume set (64-bit LBA support)

Support intelligent power management to save energy and extend service life

Support NTP protocol synchronize RAID controller clock over the on board Ethernet port


System status indication through global HDD activity/fault connector, individual activity/fault connector, LCD/I2C connector and alarm buzzer

SMTP support for email notification

SNMP support for remote manager

Enclosure management (SES-2, SMP and SGPIO) ready

RAID Management

Field-upgradeable firmware in flash ROM

In-Band Manager

Hot key "boot-up" McBIOS RAID manager via M/B BIOS

Web browser-based McRAID storage manager via ArcHttp proxy server for all operating systems

Support Command Line Interface (CLI)

API library for customer to write monitor utility

Single Admin Portal (SAP) monitor utility

Field-upgradeable firmware in flash ROM

Out-of-Band Manager

Firmware-embedded web browser-based McRAID storage manager, SMTP manager, SNMP agent and Telnet function via Ethernet port

API library for customer to write monitor utility

Support push button and LCD display panel (option)

Operating System

Windows 7/2008/Vista/XP/2003




Solaris 10/11 x86/x86_64

Mac OS X 10.4.x/10.5.x/10.6.x/10.7.x

Environmental Specifications

Operating: Temperature:+5°c to +60°c

Humidity: 15-80%


Storage Temperature: Temperature:-40°c to 70°c

Humidity: 5-90%



Power Dissipation: 12V+3.3V
ARC-1882i/x/LP 12.51W (11.6W+0.91W)
ARC-1882ix-12/16/24 28.81W (26.91W+1.9W)

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